由家庭議會家庭教育小組委員會召集人黃寶財教授擔任顧問,家庭教育系列之「親子十八式」透過十八個常見的親子問題,例如教導孩子的問題、孩子成長的問 題及與孩子溝通的問題,以實況劇示範一些親子溝通的技巧,啟發家長們思考並嘗試不斷改善溝通技巧,令孩子有更健康的成長。
To promote family education, the Family Council has introduced a series of family educational programme, including parent-child education, with a view to strengthening family values, enhancing interpersonal skills and improving communication techniques.
Prof. Wong Po-choi, the Convenor of the Sub-committee on Family Education of the Family Council, is the consultant of the family education programme "18 Handy Tips for Family Education". The programme intends to impart more positive parenting skills to parents through 18 episodes of drama. The parenting issues illustrated in the stories of the "18 Handy Tips for Family Education" hope to inspire parents on ways to enhance communication skills and family education.